title : Honor System Produce Stand
location:2-116 Fujihashi,Ome-shi, Tokyo, Japan
program : Shop
floor area : 3.84㎡
steel work : IDOTEKKEN
tent work : MARUHACHI TENT
photo : Takumi Ota
start date : 11/2020
completion : 05/2021
This is a prototype of a honor system farm stand mainly selling vegetables.
It was designed as part of the Tokyo Kitchen Garden Market project aiming to "deliver producers' heartfelt wishes."
In suburban areas, there are many mosaic-like landscapes of residential land and urban agricultural land that reflect changes in the Productive Green Land Act. In terms of productivity, this urban agricultural land is not efficient, but can actually be seen as part of an efficient economic cycle where production and consumption go hand in hand.
In this produce stand, vegetables are displayed on a flat surface of curtains. The flat display allows the vegetables to be recognized at a glance from the street. The pockets for displaying vegetables can hold a small amount of water to maintain freshness, producers' business cards, and recipes. To make the curtains easily visible from passing cars, we opted for red, which is the complementary color to the green of vegetables.
The structural frame is composed as simply as possible so that it can be easily constructed without further discussions by handing over the drawings to a local steel factory. In addition, the other components are made of common materials available on online stores. We also expect that it will serve as a rest area by adding a tent and benches.
In 2022, suburban landscapes may experience a major change due to the expiration of the farming obligation under the Productive Green Land Act. While suburbs can easily become banal and characterless as a result of large-scale policies and economic activities, we hope that this honor system produce stand will provide an opportunity to create a unique economic zone.
野菜を中心とした無人販売所のプロトタイプです。「生産者の想いを届ける」という”TOKYO KITCHEN GARDEN MARKET”のプロジェクトの一環として企画されました。